Extrusion Technology

J&D Hudson LTD have invented a revolutionary Paste extrusion process. Our invention is the holy grail for PTFE paste extrusion manufacturers.

Our unique patented process;

  • Reduces preform scrap material to ZERO

  • Negates production problems associated with traditional paste extrusions.

  • Reduces raw material usage and production

  • Reduces power consumption

  • Reduces overhead costs

  • Improves consistency and quality of products

  • Reduces downstream costs

Patented PTFE paste extrusion technology

Patented process

Our process will also enable manufacturers to use the optimum size extruder for each group of products. PTFE processors often have to use larger than optimum size extruders which often results in them exceeding the specifications of the raw materials to enable them to produce acceptable lengths of product.

Manufacturers often have to make very large, long Billets to enable production of long lengths, this brings about many associated problems. Our unique patented process eliminates these problems. Our patented process can be utilised by either modification to existing machines OR we can supply new be-spoke machinery from our factory in the UK or through our associated machine manufacturer in Europe.

Economic benefits

Until now, all Paste extrusion manufacturers have had to accept high levels of scrap materials. Typically, raw material scrap rates are between 10-30%. In addition to the raw material costs, manufacturers also have to consider waste in energy, labour and overheads associated with these high scrap levels.

These high levels of scrap must be factored into the selling price of Paste extruded products which is one of the reasons they are so expensive.


PTFE raw materials contain PER. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a large class of thousands of synthetic chemicals that are used throughout society. However, they are increasingly detected as environmental pollutants and some are linked to negative effects on human health.

They all contain carbon-fluorine bonds, which are one of the strongest chemical bonds in organic chemistry. This means that they resist degradation when used and also in the environment. Most PFASs are also easily transported in the environment covering long distances away from the source of their release. 

PFASs have been frequently observed to contaminate groundwater, surface water and soil. Cleaning up polluted sites is technically difficult and costly. If releases continue, they will continue to accumulate in the environment, drinking water and food.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) - ECHA (europa.eu)

Our invention if adopted by all PTFE paste extrusion manufacturers would significantly reduce the damage to the environment caused by these chemicals. In addition, the reduction in energy costs would reduce manufacturers carbon footprints massively.

Further information

For further information or to learn more about our services contact us